「ロックマンX7」Rockman X7 Walkthrough (JP, ENG SUB) — Part 3, Radio Tower - Tornado Debonion
Psst. Hey, you. Yes, you. This video has two variants of captions. First one (United Kingdom) is “~Dasu“ one that has Debonion’s dialogue more readable but has “~dasu“ at the end of some sentenses. Second one (United States. No, it’s not a twisted joke, those were the first english subtitle options I clicked) is “Actual Mispronounciation“ that plays out the fact Debonion says some words wrong all the time (like “~dasu“ instead of “~desu“ and “ora“ instead of “ore“). Choose one you’d prefer the most!
Aaaand while I was writing this description, I accidentely deleted the whole thing (which was almost 4900 characters long) so I now need to write everything down from my memory.
My dumb actions were Directed by Robert B. Weide. Play the music.
About emulation, I think I can emulate X7 without any fear because I own Rockman X Anniversary Collection 2 that does not want to run the games I needed well. Although I know this will not work when I’ll eventually need to record Command Mission. Blame CAPCOM for not re-releasing this game, Irregular Hunter X and GameBoy titles that are important.
Only voiced dialogues will be translated. Not Alia’s navigation, nor Dr. Right’s Capsules’ messages.
Timestamps for those who’s here only for the story bits:
Irregular Dialogues: 6:39
Scene after the first stage: 12:08
Let’s cut some onion at the top of a broadcast tower in Japan!
We start at the bottom of the tower, climbing our way up while collecting Injured Repliroids and dodging Giant Enemy Hermit Crab’s rolling sawblades, fireballs, rockets and its claws being launched at us. This section is not that hard actually, although I needed 3 hours of failed attempts at first. This mid-boss can be an absolute douche sometimes anyway, so with a bit of luck, reactionary skills and timing you should be good.
Then we have to battle that Giant Enemy Hermit Crab Jerk - Yadokari. It’s not htat hard too, just act fast and not be like me. If you got damaged, use that recovery item lying on the floor before firing the last shot at mid-boss.
Second section is also pretty easy, however it features one part nearby the end that is probably one of the most bullshit places in this game in my opinion - 4 reappearing blocks, a Heart Tank hidden in one of them and those stupid Batton Bones that I really started to hate after falling down 4 or so times in this part of the section. Use Zero so you at least can properly defend yourself from those flying little pieces of... nuts and bolts. Then get the Heart Tank, fall down and continue to climb up.
Aaaand finally, we’re ready to fight a dancing onion at the top of electrical tower.
He’s so dumb I like him, really. And he actually made one joke I needed to rewrite as it wasn’t really working in english because... japanese wordplays.
So, what he said in japanese was “Hitokawa muketa dasu... Demo ora mo muketa dasu!“. And Debonion said that Axl “has a nice face“ before it. The problem here is that “muketa“ means “look at“ and “peel off“ and both meanings were used in the dialogue. Straight from a horror film, isn’t it?
But the point of this joke is that it’s not funny so it doesn’t really matter in the end. And the battle with Tornado Debonion’s easy if you have Zero’s Gokumonken recieved from Soldier Stonekong. Use this technique at the first part of this fight, and then switch to Axl\X. Shoot at him to destroy his “scales“, shoot again to damage him, and use Gaia Shield to make him stop whatever he’s currently doing. You’ll inflict more damage by approaching Debonion with a shield while he has no “scales“ on himself, but it can be risky.
As you can see, this fight wasn’t hard in a slightest. I was able to defeat this dancing onion without even getting damaged once!
You get Voltornado for X (not a misspell, it’s actually called like that in japanese version), Raijinshou for Zero and Ray Gun for Axl that also let’s him use Voltornado. And, sadly, Axl’s Ray Gun is not OP in this game, you need to wait until X8 for that. In fact, Ray Gun is slow and lock-on system doesn’t make it any better, as you probably know.
Since it was 3rd Stage for me, we get to see a dialogue between Axl and Zero, where the former tells more about how everyone got stronger and how he was used for bad (which really disgusts our hunter in-training), and the latter expresses symphaty towards the Gingerhead (Axl, I mean) since that feeling is just so familiar to him...
And X does absolutely nothing. Don’t worry, he’ll get up from his coach really soon.
The next one is Splash Warfly. God, his stage is probably the most insane shit I’ve seen in a videogame stage XD
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