April 2, Week 7 - M, W, F (3x per week)
Workout Routine:
300 Spartan Training Workout. Home Version. This is my home version Spartan training that anyone can perform from rules are simple. Perform the exercise shown in any order. Perform 30 reps for each one. Perform 30 reps per exercise.
Complete a total of 300 reps ...
Check out the original 300 Spartan Training video from youtube.
Below is my week 7 workout routine. Follow the form from the video.
300 Spartan Training Workout - Endurance and Conditiong Training Week
Jump Squat (30 reps)
Staggered pushups (30 reps)
Alternating Spil Jump (30 reps)
Explosive pushups (30 reps)
Prison squat (30 reps)
Hindu pushups (30 reps)
Kneeling Band Row (30 reps)
Burpees (30 reps)
Pull ups (30 reps)
Double Crunch (30 reps)
Complete a total of 300 reps combined. NO PRISONES... NO MERCY
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