In this game, played between Gukesh D (rated 2732) as White and Hikaru Nakamura (rated 2775) as Black, during the 11th Norway Chess 2023 tournament, Hikaru Nakamura emerged as the victor with a score of 0-1.
The opening moves followed a Queen’s Gambit Declined structure. White initiated the game with 1. d4, to which Black responded with 1... d5. The players continued to develop their pieces in a balanced manner until move 6, when White played a3, intending to support a future pawn push to b4. Black responded by capturing the pawn on d4, leading to an exchange of pawns.
As the game progressed,
...both players displayed strategic thinking and tactical awareness. White castled kingside, while Black sought counterplay by advancing his pawns on the queenside. Black’s 14th move, a5, demonstrated his intention to restrict White’s pawn expansion on the queenside.
White’s pieces seemed to lack coordination, while Black’s minor pieces found strong positions. Nakamura skillfully exchanged pieceShow more