Flower Embroidery: Basket with flowers Daffodils

Flower Embroidery: Basket with flowers Daffodils #malina_gmembroidery - best embroidery on youtube Fabric: cotton, linen or canvas Threads: DMC Flowers Daffodils: for 6 petals - tapestry needle woven picot - in 6 threads Basket : chain stitch, back stitch - in 3 threads twisted cord - whipped chain stitch - in 3 threads Leaves and small greens: satin stitch - in 2 or 3 threads Lilac Flowers: threads - DMC (melange) β„– 52 , 209 start embroidery with the dark part of the thread - french knot - in 3 threads Flowers Daffodils : 6 Petals - in 6 threads Pico Stitch - tapestry needle Center for flower: - in 3 threads Buttonhole bar stitch - by 3 Buttonholes Detached Buttonhole Stitch Cup length corresponds to the length of the petal Where a lot of different flowers? Watch my playlist: Flower embroidery - Pattern -
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