Can I Rob a Store Using Just a Hammer? - GTA V Challenge
So GTA V is now out on PC and ive been playing around with GTA Online while I wait for the first mods to start coming out. Now I wanted to create a challenge for myself but since im only lvl 7 I had to keep it pretty simple. This is why I decided to attempt to rob a bunch of convenience stores using just a standard hammer.
It only counts as successful if i manage to get away from the cops, which spoiler alert I kinda suck at.
If you have any challenges you would like to see me attempt leave a comment below or message me on twitter at
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Everything shot in GTA 5 PC version using Fraps.
PC Specs just incase anybody cares -
CPU - i7-4820K @
GPU - Geforce GTX 780 Ti - In 2 way SLI
Geforce GTX 780 Ti
Motherboard (not sure at time of writing )