When Spring Comes by Kevin Henkes : A Spring Interactive Read Aloud Book for Kids

To Skip Intro: To view all of the additional reading resources available for “When Spring Comes“ including the *When Spring Comes~ Baby Chick Surprise* Craft inspired by the story, check out the blog: This is the video portion of the guide to a shared-reading read aloud of “When Spring Comes“ from the MaiStoryBook Library Collection. What is shared reading: An interactive reading experience that occurs when children join in or share the reading of a book or other text while guided and supported by an adult or older experienced reader. The experienced reader explicitly models the skills of proficient readers, including reading with fluency and expression, and engages the child in dialogue throughout the book. About MaiStoryBook: The goal of MaiStoryBook is to spotlight children’s illustrated books, as well as provide resources for parents, families, and teachers to inspire in children a love
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