Lapillus, Summary of 2023 Participating Artist 🎞️ [ROAD TO MAMA AWARDS]

Finally! The last step of 2023 ROAD TO MAX, ROAD TO MAMA AWARDS starts soon!👏 Before the 2nd GEN voting & MAX CHALLENGE begins, shall we take a look back at the journey of the nominees with MAX?! 🤠 “Show it off!” ✨ Lapillus has captured the hearts of global fans with various charms! “Tell me Who’s Next!” Now, in the last step, ROAD TO MAMA AWARDS, they will show you their unique charm once again💖 Will Lapillus be able to go on the dream stage, MAMA AWARDS?! Only, your choice will make the decision! ⭐ ROAD TO MAMA AWARDS 2nd GEN Voting & MAX CHALLENGE . (KST) Coming Soon 💎 마침...내! 2023년, ROAD TO MAX의 마지막 단계, ROAD TO MAMA AWARDS가 곧 시작됩니다👏 2기 투표와 MAX CHALLENGE가 시작되기 전 MAX랑 함께 후보 아티스트의 여정을 되돌아볼까요?! 🤠 “Show it off!” ✨ 다양한 매력으로 글로벌 팬들의 마음을 사로잡은 Lapillus! “Tell me Who’s Next!” 이제는 마지막 단계, ROAD TO MAMA AWARDS에서 Lapillus만의 색다른 매력을 또 한 번 보여드리고자 합니다💖 과연 Lapillus는 꿈의 무대, MAMA AWARDS에 오를 수 있을까요?! 오직 여러분의 선택으로 결정됩니다! ⭐ ROAD TO MAMA AWARDS 2기 투표 & MAX CHALLENGE . (KST) Coming Soon 💎 ✅ Go to ROAD TO MAX 👉 #MnetPlus #엠넷플러스 #ROAD_TO_MAX #ROAD_TO_MAMAAWARDS #MAMAAWARDS #Lapillus #라필루스 #KPOP #Music
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