Дореволюционная Россия на фотографиях
1880-1892 г.
Russia in pre-revolutionary photographs
Here I present an album of photographs of the historic town of Vyatka, situated just west of the Ural Mountains on the River Vyatka. Today the city is known as Kirov.
Vyatka is able to trace its history back to the late 12th century when the fort of Khlynov was founded in 1181. Khlynov was incorporated into the Grand Duchy of Moscow in 1489. In 1781, Catherine the Great renamed the town Vyatka and made it the seat of Vyatka Governorate. The town was also a place of exile, notably Alexander Herzen, Alexander Vitberg, and Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin spent time here…
During the later part of the 19th century the town gained importance as it was made major stop of the newly completed Trans-Siberian Railway.
In 1934, the town was renamed Kirov in honour of the Soviet leader Sergey Kirov…..
Original sound track muted. Added new music from YouTube.....
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(ГТРК Вятка)
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