Last Gasp of the German Maxim: the Air-Cooled MG 08/18

Cool Forgotten Weapons merch! The MG 08/18 was developed at the very end of World War One as a lighter alternative to the MG 08/15. It used an air-cooled barrel, and between not needing water and having lighter parts it managed to be about 6 pounds less weight than the 08/15. Only a few hundred appear to have been produced before the end of the war, and they were not used by the German military during the Weimar era (the Mg 08/15 was). The 08/18 barrel jacket served as the basis for the MG34 barrel shroud, interestingly. Thanks to Limex for giving me access to this very rare gun to film for you! Contact: Forgotten Weapons 6281 N. Oracle 36270 Tucson, AZ 85740
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