Table that weighs less than 19lbs | DIY Polycarbonate Furniture
I made a super lightweight table or desk that weighs less than 19lbs. I used 25mm polycarbonate panels that are typically used for greenhouses. I cut and shaped the panels with basic wood working tools like a circular saw and palm router. I poured total boat epoxy into the ends to make the polycarbonate ends solid. I discovered that total boat 2-part epoxy is great for glueing together polycarbonate. In this video I will show how to cut polycarbonate panels, how to sand poly carbonate panels, and how to seal the ends of polycarbonate panels with epoxy.
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This video is sponsored by Kreg and Ryobi! I love these sponsors because I firmly believe they have the best tools and prices for DIYers: (affiliate links)
Ryobi HP drill and Driver
Ryobi Circular Saw
Kreg Portable CrossCut
Kreg Straight Edge Guide
Ryobi Orbital Sander
Mandalorian Ice Cube Tray
Total Boat ThickSet Fathom Deep Pour Clear Casting Epoxy
Ryobi Palm Router
25mm Polycarbonate 7-wall panel
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1 week ago 00:11:17 1
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