Much of the world celebrates Christmas Day in accordance with the Gregorian calendar today, December 25. Known in Russia as Cat

Much of the world celebrates Christmas Day in accordance with the Gregorian calendar today, December 25. Known in Russia as “Catholic Christmas,” December 25 is a holy day for Roman Catholics as well as Protestants and other Christian denominations, while most Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas Day on January 7 in accordance with the older Julian calendar. TASS gathered footage of Christmas celebrations from Moscow, as well as Vatican City, Rome, London, New York, Buenos Aires, Hong Kong and Seoul: Photos and videos: Sofia Sandurskaya/Vera Shcherbakova/Ilya Dmitriyachev/Polina Ulyanova/Elena Kondratieva/Roman Balandin/Igor Ivanov/TASS Источник: TASS Russian news agency
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