Nine Inch Nails-Cover Song

In 2008, Nine Inch Nails embarked on the “Lights In The Sky“ tour. The set list roughly stayed the same from night to night, but they did cover a song on a rare occasion. Here is video of that song... This is a total joke. I am a huge NIN fan. I was listening to them while driving, then switched discs to the “Lonely Island“ cd. I then pictured NIN playing one of their songs. This was the outcome from it. Huge thank you to “This One Is On Us“ for the footage used in the song. Follow these people on Twitter: Nine Inch Nails - @nineinchnails Trent Reznor - @trent_reznor Alessandro Cortini - @blindoldfreak Robin Finck - @robinfincktwits Justin Meldal-Johnsen - @justinmj Josh Freese - @joshfreese Rob Sheridan - @rob_sheridan This One Is On Us - @thisoneisonus Maxwell Roahrig - @mroahrig Nick Charlebois - @NickCTwits For a FREE DOWNLOAD of the LIGHTS IN THE SKY tour check out
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