Marija dug her foot through the scorched earth, shuffling and digging up small pebbles and gravel that had stuck between her dirty toes and sandal. She looked into his eyes, and Hombre, for some reason, looked down. He wasn’t looking at the shuffling. He wanted to kiss her thoughts all at once. He failed, and he whimpered in his soul, strayed like a naive ocelot. - I feel like you want to close me in one of your worlds. I know you wanted to make me happy, but you don’t know what joy is. She smoothed her long gray hair back. - Artists? - They can hurt me. She snorted, indignant and bored.#fantasy #theoryofarrows #arrowtheory #succubs #foreigncivilizations #hiddendimension #amazingcreatures #timecurvature #subatomicparticles #Ishthar #quarks #destiny #oldageandyouth #generations #history #behavior #akkad #ufo #mystic #sumer #buildingofworld #vidoebook #ancientcivilizations #terrax #mysteriousbeings #mysterious #forbiddenarcheology #marija start at in ninety-one languages ̴
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