What would a day without space look like?

Space… makes you think of alien worlds? Far away from us and our daily lives. Are you sure? Let’s take a closer look. What would a day without space systems look like? Without the GPS or Galileo satellites, our mobility would be severely limited. Navigation systems would not work. And public transport? Without reliable satellite data, there would be chaos. The global transport of people and goods by land, sea and air would be seriously affected. Our increasingly decentralized energy supply (from wind, solar and bioenergy) would become impossible to synchronize. Without the time signals from satellites? Entire power grids would become unstable. The result – breakdowns and blackouts with unpredictable effects and consequences for the economy and society. We are also dependent on reliable communication. This would not be feasible without space infrastructure. That includes communication with friends and family. News? Live broadcasts? Radio reception? Reliable sources of information? Everything would beco
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