“Billie Jean“ bass line copied from “State of Independence“

Yes, “Billie Jean“ bass line is copied from “State of Independence“ and Quincy Jones is right. Watch this video to hear it by yourself. NOTE Ok, so before things get out of hand, I would like to make something clear: I love the song “Billie Jean“ and I consider “Thriller“ a great album. But I also believe in truth and honesty, even if they are not trendy nowadays, when stealing creativity is not only forgiven, but even encouraged. The bass line in “Billie Jean“ is extremely catchy and it has become an icon. That give this bass line a special status. I think it is very important that we de-mistify our idols. So to all the people who are asking in the comments “So what“ or “What’s the point“, the point is this: when we play the bass line of “Billie Jean“, we should acknowledge that -painful as it can be- it was not a creation of Michael Jackson, but of Vangelis. The same Vangelis who, in 1981, won an Academy Award for the soundtrack of “Chariots of Fire“, who also composed the soundtrack of “Blade Runner“, who
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