Mexicans in support of Palestinians demand a halt to the bombing of Gaza

(13 Oct 2023) RESTRICTION SUMMARY: ASSOCIATED PRESS Mexico City, Mexico - 12 October 2023 1. Various of activist Julia Kulf setting an Israeli flag on fire 2. Various of protesters setting Israeli flag and flowers on fire 3. Fire cauldron decorated with skulls 4. Wide of protest 5. Sign with flag of Israel reading (Spanish) “One family, one heart! I am Israel, Today and always!“ 6. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Julia Kulf, Activist: “To demand the end of the massacre of Palestinians. We cannot continue to allow this bloody event that is taking place in Palestine and we come as Mexican mothers to demand an end to this massacre.“ 7. Various of performers dancing in front of Israel embassy 8. Riot police looking on 9. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Samuel Nava, member of Mexicans for Palestine: “What we are interested in right now is to stop that bloodbath, that extermination camp that Gaza is today. That is what we want at least at this time, that it stops, that this extermination stops.“ 10. Riot police guarding Israel embassy 11. Riot police watching demonstrators 12. Demonstrators with signs reading (Spanish) “Stop the extermination war“ and “Stop Israel’s bombing“ 13. Demonstrator waving Palestinian flag STORYLINE: Members of social organizations demonstrated at the Israeli Embassy in Mexico to demand a halt to the bombing of the Gaza Strip. The demonstrators burned the Israeli flag and threw bloody flowers on the facade of the diplomatic premises. Samuel Nava of the organization Mexicans for Palestine said that what they want is “for the bloodbath to stop, this extermination camp that Gaza is today.“ Most of the attendees waved Palestinian flags and carried placards with messages repudiating the “extermination of Palestine by the Israeli invasion.“ Israeli warplanes have continued hammering neighborhoods in the Gaza Strip, reducing buildings to rubble and sending people scrambling for safety. The war, which has claimed at least 2,200 lives on both sides, is expected to escalate. AP Video shot by Gerardo Carrillo =========================================================== Clients are reminded to adhere to all listed restrictions and to check the terms of their licence agreements. For further assistance, please contact the AP Archive on: Tel 44(0)2074827482 Email: info@. Find out more about AP Archive: Twitter: Facebook: ​​ Instagram: You can license this story through AP Archive:
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