:: Twilight Saga :: We Are Crushed and Created ::

Read please! If u can, please watch it in HD cause it truly makes a difference in my opinion:) I ALWAYS wanted to vid this song, and last week i was on the bus coming home, listening to this song, and i knew i wanted this for a twilight vid. And this time around it’s not just an EB vid, more like a Bella others know it can be kinda confusing, but please just go with it haha:D I really enjoyed making it, and i know it could be so much better, but i’m so proud anyways cause i made an almost 4-minute long video:D (and i didn’t cut the song:o:O i even repeated the first few happened before xD) I’m so excited cause i just saw the new promo pics/stills from BD can’t believe it’s almost over, but Twilight will always be my number 1 fandom:) I hope you guys will like it, if u do, please leave me some feedback, i would reaaaally appreciate it! And for the gorgeous overlay, all credit goes to: Free Worship Loops! I a
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