Roasting Marshmallows Over the Door to Hell - Darvaza Gas Crater, Turkmenistan

The door to hell. The gates of hell. Darvaza Gas Crater. Derweze. These are all names for the main attraction in Turkmenistan, and in this travel vlog, we take this adventure to a whole new level. Turkmenistan is built on methane. I mean this literally and figuratively. In the vast arid deserts of the country lie the 4th largest natural gas deposits in the world, and this is the cash cow that makes the capital Ashgabat, sparkle with gold and marble. The Darvaza Crater was a mining disaster. So they think. No one really knows, as I don’t believe there were any survivors. In 1971 a soviet mining operation punctured the eggshell surface of a potential gas deposit in the middle of the Karakum desert, and fell into a pit. Years later, someone lit a match, and Bang! Welcome to the door to hell. Put this location on your bucket list for 2020. It’s worth the three hour drive north from Ashgabat. The new president Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has opened up the country much more than it used to be. Getting the VISA wa
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