Are kabbalists smarter than non-kabbalists? What is the function of the brain? What is our essence? How do desires lead to a more active and smarter brain? Are we in control of our desires? What is the Kabbalistic process in relation to our desires? Why do kabbalists try to rise above and control their desires? What do kabbalists gain and discover by rising above and controlling their desires? What is the goal of kabbalistic development? What can we discover by rising above all of our physical and corporeal desires?
There were genius Kabbalists, and the Goon of Vilna was known as a genius; he wrote a book on geometry and had many other writings. There was a hidden Kabbalist, Sir Isaac Newton, inventor of calculus and who wrote science from his attainment. There was Moses Maimonides, who was famous for being the greatest doctor in the world. He was a doctor to Sultan Saladin of Egypt and Syria, while he was also an astronomer and other things.
And the list goes on. Maybe they were all born that way, or maybe you have to be a genius already to become a kabbalist? Both premises are false. But there is something to it. What is the brain?
For us, it is a mysterious black box. And this is why experts constantly argue about what the brain actually is and how it works. What none of them understand is that the brain is entirely dependent on desire and that our desire is our essence and the essence of reality.
If you have a small desire, then you do not feel like thinking all day long about calculus and developing neurons and so on. But if you have a big and burning desire, then your brain also goes to work, thinking and thus growing in order to figure out how to resolve this problem that consumes you.
What does it have to do with Kabbalah? Kabbalah is the study of desire; after all, desire is our essence, it is our everything. The desire includes our mind and heart and our whole perception of reality. Kabbalah is the study of desire, but it deals with how to rise above all our desires. And every time we rise above our desire through the Wisdom of Kabbalah, we get even greater and deeper desires. And then we have to rise above them.
Eventually, a kabbalist includes all the desires of all of humanity and rises above these desires, and controls them. By this principle, a kabbalist in theory could have the biggest brain because the brain comes only in order to augment the desire and calculate how to realize the desire. This is what the brain is. But in the process of rising above the desire, the kabbalist discovers something much more important than being in the desires and being consumed by them, having the desires driving me around instead of me controlling them.
The kabbalist discovers by being above these desires and holding the reins and controlling them that in doing so, I reach connection and equivalence of form with the Creator, the upper force, who is currently controlling all of these desires.
In this situation of being above all desires - which is something we presently cannot even imagine - and by being in connection with the Creator, the kabbalist discovers a new desire.
This is a desire that is not of this world. It is something else; it is something that no human has ever wanted or even felt as a possibility. In this, the kabbalist discovers a limitless desire.
This is why kabbalists could become corporeally smarter, but that is not the goal at all. It is simply a byproduct of their spiritual work by which the person expands their sensations, their mind, and their heart.
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