Shaolin Soft Boxing. Shaolin Rouquan (old form. Liu Zheng Hai)

The saying is that Shaolin goes from hard to soft. Due to the extensive structure of the system people study for years without reaching the soft. There is definitely softness within the Shaolin shell. This set of movements known as Soft Boxing which are basically a combination of Chi Kung and selected Shaolin striking and kicking movement. Demonstrated by Liu Zheng Hai SHAOLIN TEMPLE BOXING page ten One of the oldest continuous styles of Kung Fu in the world. Famous the world over. Associated with the birthplace of Chan (Zen) meditation. Many of these forms are, in our opinion, purposely meant to “look ancient.“ Shaolin has been categorized as “hammering“ going from “hard to soft“ and other stylistic restraints. Old texts are imitated to give the appearance of a certain, specific means of movement. This is not the first time in history Shaolin has fought this: see our historical text, the Spring and Autumn of Chinese martial arts. The movements, to the best of our resea
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