Bach/Gounod - Ave Maria - backing track for trumpet Bb

#trumpetbackingtrack #playalongwithtrumpet #минусовкадлятрубы Johann Sebastian Bach / Charles Gounod - Ave Maria backing track for trumpet Bb, clarinet Bb, Saxophone Bb and others B-flat instruments. Gounod based the work on Bach’s prelude, which is a study in harmony in broken chords. He used the first four measure for a prelude, repeating them for the first entry of the voice. He used Bach’s composition, in the version with an inserted measure after the original 22, the so-called Schwencke-measure which was common at the time. To this measure, the voice has a repeated expressive “Maria!“. He added a tempo marking, Moderato, pedal markings for the pianist, and dynamic markings. Иоганн Себастьян Бах / Шарль Гуно - Аве Мария минусовка для трубы ( кларнета, саксофона - тенора, и других инструментов в ключе Си-бемоль) Гуно основал произведение на прелюдии Баха, которая представляет собой исследование гармонии в ломаных аккордах. Первые четыре такта он использовал для
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