Edinburgh Festival Of Sport (1952)

Edinburgh, Scotland GV. Edinburgh. LV. Edinburgh building, across bridge. SV. Heralds entering Mercat Cross SV. Guard of Honour. LV. Herald Sir Thomas Innes (Lord Lyon King of Arms.) reading proclamation from Cross. & . People looking on. GV. Elevated, heralds leaving Cross. MV poster advertising Festival of Sport. CU sign above entrance to Waverley Market. LV. Elevated, Helen Elliot, Scottish and World Table Tennis Champion playing exhibition game. SV. Helen Elliot. SV. Helen playing. SV. Kids at ringside of wrestling demonstration. SV. Wrestlers demonstrating throw. SV. Boys looking on. SV. Wrestlers demonstrating throw. LV. Blind boys playing crab football. SV. Boy throwing ball over head to goal keeper. who kicks upfield. LV. Crowd SV. Pan Blind boys after game. SCU. Pan, Blind boys. LV. Edinburgh Ladies Keep Fit Class demonstrate their skipping. Les Willougby lifting 225 pound weight. SV. Crowd. applauding. SV. Roy Eland lifting 265 lbs. LV. Crowd. SCU. Phil Caira lifti
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