Batman vs Superman (GTA 5 film) 2022

I present to your attention my interpretation of Batman v Superman. I have long wanted to shoot something superhero and now the movie is ready. Of course, the mods are not perfect, and somewhere the animation looks crooked, but that’s what GTA is for. also, it has not yet been possible to make the characters have a good facial animation, but in the future I will work on this. if there are craftsmen who make high-quality faces of characters, I will be glad to help, because there are a lot of ideas. write me. I will be glad to work with you if you are very talented. Weeds will be corrected as far as possible. *Superman model: *Batman model: *My Mods: *FACEBOOK: *INSTAGRAM: *Telegram: *Я ВКонтакте: *Моя Группа ВКонтакте: Помощь/Donation: 1) PayPal: terrnerr@ 2) Qiwi: 79152132314 3) yandex money: 41001665860133 _____________________________________________________________ SUBSCRIBE MY CHANNEL
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