Big Sister Pinky VS Little Sister Rosy || Awkward Situations with Family Magic by Teen-Z

❤️❤️❤️SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL TO SUPPORT ME❤️❤️❤️: 00:00 ROSY’S CLONE?! 00:47 WAYS TO ANNOY YOUR SIBLINGS 01:51 BALLOON TRICK 02:48 HOW TO RUIN A DATE THE GUIDE BY ROSY 03:38 THE TRUE DEVILS 04:29 FIXING THE DAMAGE 06:18 PINKY SAVES THE WORLD 06:55 PINKY’S EVIL TWIN 07:59 THINGS GONE TERRIBLY WRONG 09:54 EVIL TWIN CORPORATION 10:34 BODY SWAP CHALLENGE 13:25 PE CLASS STRUGGLES 13:57 SCHOOL TEST Being the big sis is too hard 😫 Especially when your younger sister is as mischievous as Rosy 😜 Is there anything worse than dealing with your annoying sibling?! 😒 Of course! Dealing with an army of her clones!
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