Improve your Accent: Tongue Twisters

Improve your accent by doing these exercises. Every language has tongue twisters. They are fun to practice your pronunciation because they use sound sequences that are often difficult to say quickly. In this lesson, I look at four common English tongue twisters to help you improve your pronunciation. The tongue twisters include “Peter Piper“, “Betty Botter“, and more. When you’re finished with this video, check out our resources page for 50 tongue twisters to improve your pronunciation: TRANSCRIPT Hi, everyone. I’m Alex. Thanks for clicking, and welcome to this lesson on “Popular Tongue Twisters“. So, every language has tongue twisters, which are essentially short phrases or short little stories that repeat problem sounds or the same groups of sounds to make it difficult to pronounce when you say it very quickly. Now, what is the purpose of tongue twisters? Number one, they’re really fun. And number two, they are challenging. A
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