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Where I show how to paint and weather the famous StuG III Ausf.B by Tamiya, from start to finish! Including the cool Winter Camo (White Wash), using just Vallejo’s white paint and Hairspray for the chipping effect. I also show how to make the ’sag’ effect on rubber type tracks!
My inspiration for this video was Michael Rinaldi’s work. I like the result but I still have a lot to learn 🤓 I hope you like it!
Check the detailed construction process HERE:
0:18 Interior
5:44 Tools and
... other details
7:11 Base Paint
10:58 Decals
13:41 Winter Camo (White Wash)
17:28 Weathering using Oil Paints
19:31 ’Sag’ effect for rubber tracks
20:37 Result!Show more