Shaolin Rou Quan | Soft Fist Qi Gong Practice - with Shifu Yanxin

Happy Saturday Everyone! This weekend we thought we’d share with you a Shaolin Qi Gong Practice with Shifu Yanxin and his students, Arnie and Radha: Rou Quan | Soft Fist. Rou Quan is known for its fluid, powerful and beautiful movements. The Rou Quan style originates in the teachings of Tai Chi Quan and is closely related to the principles of Qi Gong. The combination of internal and external techniques in this form gives Rou Quan its dynamic character. The from is characterised by a combination of soft and flowing movements with elements of strength and explosiveness. We hope you enjoy this beautiful practice. #ShaolinKungFu #ShaolinQiGong #QiGong ***************************************************************************** Our Website: Our Instagram: Our YouTube channel: Our Facebook Page:
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