Charlie Haden Liberation Music Orchestra La Pasionaria 1983

Charlie Haden’s Ballad of the Fallen LP was the Downbeat Critics’ Poll Album of the Year in 1984, and earned Carla Bley the DB Composer of the Year award and Charlie Haden the Acoustic Bass of the Year award. La Pasionaria, featuring Jim Pepper on tenor saxophone, is a song written by Haden “dedicated to Dolores Ibarruri, the reknowned ‘La Pasionaria’ (The Passionflower) who during the Spanish Civil War inspired the Spanish Republic against Facism with the slogan ‘No Pasaran’ (They Shall Not Pass).” This extraordinary live performance was recorded in Berlin in 1983 and also features the great Paul Motian on drums. Pepper was on three of Motian’s LPs along with Joe Lovano and other great musicians in the period 1983 – 1985. That’s Gary Valente burning up the trombone. The rights to this song are owned by Charlie Haden, Liberation Music, and know that Jim Pepper (Kaw/Creek) lives….
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