Nessun Duorma
By Giacomo Puccini
Andreas Schager - Tenor
New Years Celebration live from the Wiener Konzerthaus
“Waltz of the World” by Aleksey Igudesman
Aleksey Igudesman - Violin, Conductor
Wiener Kammerorchester - Vienna Chamber Orchestra
Wiener JugendChor - Choir of the Musikschulen Wien
Special Guests and composers with world premieres (in Alphabetical order)
Lidia Baich - Violin
Matthias Bartholomey - Cello, Composition
Nina Sofie Berghammer - Violin, Marimba
Erran Barron Cohen - Composition
Juan Garcia-Hererros (Snow Owl) - E-Bass
Lucy Landymore - Vibraphone, Percus
...sion, Composition
Peter Luha - E-Guitar
Daphne Resseguier - Composition
Inan Ribeiro - Drums
Andreas Schager - Voice
Tristan Schulze - Composition
Josef Semeleder - Double Bass, Breakdance
Manaho Shimokawa - Dance, Choreography
Futurelove Sibanda - Dance, Voice, Percussion
Alexandra Suklar - Marimba, Percussion
Allegra Tinnefeld - Violine, Voice
And many others…
Camera and Editing - Sebastian Leitner SLFILM media
Production Manager - Bernhard Rausch
Audio Recording and Editing - Philipp Treiber
Special thanks to Wiener KonzerthausShow more