Emile Cohl - Fantasmagorie 1908

Émile Cohl created Fantasmagorie in 1908. To make this film, Cohl placed each drawing on an illuminated glass plate and then traced the next drawing-with variations-on top of it until he had some 700 drawings. In 1908, chalkboard caricaturists were common vaudeville attractions and the characters in the film look as though they’ve been drawn on a chalkboard, but it’s an illusion. By filming black lines on paper and then printing in negative Cohl makes his animations appear to be chalk drawings.Самый первый мультфильм в мире — «Фантасмагория» (Fantasmagorie). Был создан при помощи темных линий, нарисованных на белой бумаге, а после отпечатанных на негативе — отсюда и эффект рисования мелом.
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