#tashatudor #potager #kitchengarden #gardenplanning #vintagegarden #antiquegarden #cottagegarden
First we’re taking a short walk through the Potager, picking along the way. Next we’ll prepare a special ice tea and Blueberry muffins from the Tasha Tudor Cookbook
Then we will explore the art and lifestyle of the American treasure that IS Tasha Tudor.
If you want to skip ahead:
0:00 A short walk through the Potager
9:43 Baking and making a special Ice Tea
14:13 Talking Tasha
Books used in this video:
The Tasha Tudor Cookbook by Tasha Tudor 1993
The Private World of Tasha Tudor by Tasha Tud
...or and RIchard Brown 1992
Tasha Tudors Garden byTovah Martin and Richard W. Brown 1994
The Art of Tasha Tudor by Harry Davis 2000
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