Western Media & Journalist Being Used Push LGBTQ Agenda In Africa - Prof. PLO Lumumba

Professor Patrick Lumumba on Uganda’s anti-homosexuality act : Western Media & Journalist Being Used Push LGBTQ Agenda In Africa - Prof. PLO Lumumba : Uganda has caused quite a stir with its controversial and uncompromising stance against homosexuality, catapulting itself into the global spotlight. While the majority of Ugandans stand firmly behind this law, it has faced scathing criticism from the international community. Leading figures, particularly from the United States, have even gone as far as wielding the threat of sanctions unless Uganda retracts the legislation. Amidst this heated debate, a prominent and highly respected Pan-African scholar, Professor Patrick Lumumba from Kenya, has made his voice heard, unabashedly throwing his full support behind Uganda’s anti-gay law, adding fuel to an already fiery discussion. During an interview with SABC news, Professor Lumumba discussed how African communities were subjected to the imposition of laws by colonizers, such as common law or Dutch R
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