174 WUP Walter Veith & Martin Smith – Laudato Deum VS Project 2025, Beast & Image Of The Beast

In Episode 174 we discuss the Pope’s latest exhortation to the encyclical on the environment, Laudato Si. According to the Bible the first Beast, namely Papal Rome, will get the second beast, namely the USA, to implement its laws and become an image to the first beast. Can we see this happening and how does Project 2025 fit in? Video Link: Clash Of Minds Website: Online Orders - North America: Online Orders - South Africa: Download All Clash Of Minds material: Donation Options Patreon: Other Donation Options: #donate What’s Up Prof available in the following languages: CZECH: DUTCH: ENGLISH: GERMAN: INDONESIAN: LITHUANIAN: POLISH: PORTUGUESE: ROMANIAN: RUSSIAN: SERBIAN: SLOVAK: SPANISH: What’s Up Prof available on the following platforms: YouTube: Rumble: Bitchute: Brighteon: Odysee: @Amazing-Discoveries-Africa:5 Ugetube: @clashofminds Soundcloud (Audio ONLY): LINKS FOR FURTHER STUDY 2030 Status | Mother Nature | Apple Apple YouTube Channel #:~:text=VWPics via AP,Drivers in Singapore now need to pay £88,000 for,for most middle-class Singaporeans.
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