Uno Conference (1947)

Unused / unissued footage - dates and locations unclear / unknown. Cuts from newsreel 47/77 - UNO Conference. Eleanor Roosevelt nominates a speaker, describing him as a well-known economist - story is cut so cannot tell who she is referring to! General view of the beginning of the meeting with Dr A Ranha calling the company to order. Jamie Torres Bodet, Mexican delegate, addresses the assembly in Spanish as we hear a translation in English. Sound is very poor and it is hard to make out the gist of this section - seems to be talking about the International Veto. General (Catlett) George Marshall speaks at the podium, saying the situation can be summarised by the statement that more than two years after the end of the war, fruits of peace and victory are still beyond our grasp. He says we have not yet succeeded in establishing the basis of peace with Germany and Japan, nor have we restored Austria as an independent state. He talks of reconstruction everywhere, desperate need throughout great a
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