Genshin Impact On 4GB RAM low end PC

hi the following video I will do a test to play genshin impact on a low spec pc, with specs corei3 4150 ram 4gb ddr3 vga gtx 550ti 1gb ddr5, and windows 10 64bit, ok for those of you who have pc specs like me, you can still play genshin impact This, with low mode and can get 60 fps, ok for more details, see the gameplay below. Genshin Impact On 4GB RAM low end PC pes 2021 real mod gameplay: how to fix lag and boost fps genshin impact in low end pc/laptop: How to run PES 2021 on low end PC - Boost Fps Any PC:👇👇👇👇 Genshin Impact On Core 2 Quad Q9400 4gb ram gt730 2gb Fps test:
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