The HACK to ACE MATH no matter what - Caltech study tip

You ARE smart and have the potential to be good at math. Your schooling (as I’ve seen in most public schools) is *making* math harder and harder for you because it’s not teaching you the right way to think about math fundamentally. Have you asked your math teacher “Why?“ and they said “Just because“? While it’s difficult to capture everything about getting good at math in one video, this is my biggest advice. I hope this is a helpful start :) Crush math on my math YT channel: @thatmathlete My digital planner 📅 : My ULTIMATE guide “How to get an internship/research opportunity!“ 🔥: 🧧 ...MATCH WITH ME: Tutoring → email @ Timestamps: 00:00 - Can you relate to my struggle with math? 01:22 - A *magical* example 03:10 - The truth of why you struggle 05:27 - We’ve been fooled in school 06:19 - 3 steps to start CRUSHING math 10:13 - You’ll be amazed at your improvements :) ~📧 CONNECT WITH ME! DISCORD → Insta → Email (in my About section) → @wamyy5/about USEFUL LINKS REFERRAL CODES (continually updated on new videos!) ~ 💚 Meilia: WAMYY20 (20% off) ✨Long-lasting affordable gold jewelry from Ana Luisa: WAMY20 🌎 Study abroad housing: 📖 : 💲 Make some easy $$ by earning $200 cash back with Chase Freedom Unlimited or Chase Freedom Flex credit card: ~📚RECOMMENDED BOOKS 1) The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business: 2) How to Win Friends & Influence People: 3) The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: 4) Atomic Habits 5) Influence is Your Superpower ~🎥RECOMMENDED DOCUMENTARIES (crazy college stuff. Bro, I enjoyed watching these so much, almost too much lol) 1) Operation Varsity Blues: The College Admissions Scandal 2) Try Harder! ~📸 EQUIPMENT -Tripods: Some links in the description box may be affiliate links. They help you guys get awesome resources, and I’ll also make a small commission on sales you make through my links/codes at no additional cost to you :D ~🎵 MUSIC Try Epipdemic Sound for free → ♪ Branch (Prod. by Lukrembo) Link: Cute aesthetic music (can’t find link anymore) LAKEY INSPIRED Tags: #math #studytips how to get good at math, straight a’s study tips hacks get better at math Filmed: Sep 12, 2023 Current sub count: 34,487
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