Hey guys!! this video is a guide of everything you need to do to prepare for the school year. As I begin my senior year 🥲, I’ve nailed down everything you need to do to start that first day prepared for the upcoming year. Let’s start the year off great together!! Come back next week for more back to school content, and comment down below for some video ideas you want me to do! 🫶♥️♥️
00:30 Reset your Environment
01:29 Get Organized
03:38 Get Excited
04:53 Glow up!
07:09 Set Plans/Routines
08:05 To-do night before
10:08 Bonus: tips for nerves
11:34 Outro
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Things you need to do before school || how to start the school year right 🌻✨:
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Enjoy the video!!
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