NASA video showing UFOs using the sun as a black hole to reach our solar system

In a mysterious video, NASA’s three-dimensional spacecraft dedicated to monitoring the Sun, began recording groups of thousand giant UFOs flying objects around the Sun. NASA posted the UFOs video on its website, Suddenly, the video is deleted. Quantum physicist Nassim Haramein, obtained the original photos and videos before NASA deleted them, and even carried out an analysis from the point of view of quantum physics, he explains in a 10-minute video, UFOs smaller and larger than Earth, are thought to be spaceships, giant aliens or giant #spaceships capable of traversing space and time. These alien spaceships reach our solar system, by using the sun as a black hole singularity or star gate. Mr. Haramein believes that, NASA’s three-dimensional data of this massive UFO aircraft proves that, #extraterrestrial civilizations employ ships the size of planet Earth, to enter our solar system through the door of the sun star. According to Nassim Haramein, UFOs often appear around the sun. Not just one, but a whole formation. In truth, whether #nasa or the US government is aware of it or not, there is technology that surpasses amazing alien civilisations, and allows spaceships to tolerate high temperatures near the sun. However, the US government is afraid to admit this fact, and is still unsure what to do about it. Why did NASA have to replace photo and video material. What exactly are they trying to hide. Is humanity afraid of confronting such a high-tech alien civilisation. We always #believe that The existence of #intelligent #alien creatures is a possibility. During the long history in the search for intelligent #extraterrestrial life, many researchers have confirmed the #existence of such alien beings that we call #gray #aliens and some assert that this is not far from the #planet #earth and may be very close on the #moon Many scientists interpreted of these #UFO #sightings that it came from #extraterrestrial and how there is a high probability that it came from an #intelligent #alien #civilization from #space from somewhere in this vast #universe For only the Best in #leaked UFO #footage or real #uap #footage and UAP sightings, Ancient Aliens related footage, space #news #planets and leaked #nasa #videos analysis, stick right here and stay with us. We are not alone!
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