Diversity is a Joke

Hello, everybody! I’m no fan of diversity. But every single day we hear how great it is. But then the people who laud diversity seem to avoid it themselves. Odd, right? It’s time to stop fighting for diversity and instead push for separatism. I would hate to live in a world where Sweden isn’t Swedish, where Arabia isn’t Arabic, and Korea isn’t Korean. But 1 out of those 3 seems to be pretty controversial. Talking about these issues has been really interesting to me. It wasn’t that long ago that having conversations about race-mixing, diversity or multiculturalism could be had and everyone was allowed to be heard. But some things today are simply ’not allowed’ to be discussed. There are too many ’illegal opinions’ in the minds of thought criminals. I want my next video to be on the topic of free speech. I hope to see all you thought criminals there.
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