Comparing Cooling Solutions On A Raspberry Pi 4 - Is Water Cooling Worth It?

Last week, I put together a water-cooled Raspberry Pi 4 and overclocked it to . It worked really well, but the system is really big and quite expensive. So, I wanted to compare it to a couple of other Raspberry Pi cooling solutions to see which is the most cost-effective, while still being efficient. I compared the thermal performance of plain aluminium heatsinks, a compact case with a cooling fan and heatsinks, an Ice Tower, and then the water-cooled Pi. Here’s a link to the write-up of the results - Purchase Links For Cooling Solutions Heatsink Cooling Kit – Cooling Fan Case – Ice Tower – Ice Tower (Low Profile) - Water Cooled Pi (Build Guide) – Laser Cutter Used - K40 40W CO2 Option 1 - Option 2 - https://amz
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