Video of Litvinenko and other FSB agents speaking 10 years ago

(23 May 2007) SHOTLIST CLIENTS PLEASE NOTE: The then active members of the Federal Security Service (FSB) who took part in the interview are (from left to right): Lt. Col. Alexander Gusak, head of the 7th Unit for the Struggle against Banditism of the FSB Department for Curbing the Activity of Criminal Organisations; Lt. Col. Alexander Litvinenko, deputy head of the 7th Unit; (Sergei Dorenko, the journalist) is third from the left); Maj. Andrei Ponkin, senior operative of the 7th Unit. Moscow, March 21, 2007 AP Television News 1. Wide shot corridor of Echo of Moscow radio station, ...with investigative Russian journalist Sergei Dorenko (right) 2. Wide shot framed photographs of radio talk show guests, zoom in to Russian president Vladimir Putin 3. Mid shot Dorenko 4. SOUNDBITE (RUSSIAN) Sergei Dorenko, Journalist “I arrived at what was a kind of guesthouse in the countryside. There were three of them: (Lt. Col. Alexander) Gusak, (Maj. Andrei) Pronkin and (Lt. Col. Alexander) Litvinenko. And they told me the recording was not meant for television, but that they were afraid of being killed.“ April 20, 1998, undisclosed location outside of Moscow AP Television News - AP Clients Only 5. SOUNDBITE (RUSSIAN) Alexander Litvinenko “I do understand that a security officer is not supposed to give interviews or appear on television. But now I realise the moment has come. I don’t fear for my life, I never did. If I were afraid, I wouldn’t be doing what I do now. But I fear for the life of my wife, my child. More than that, I understand that once they deal with me, with my wife and with my child, they will not stop. If these people are not stopped, this lawlessness will flood the country. This will be more horrible than the year 1937.“ Moscow , November 1998 AP PHOTOS - No Access Canada/Internet 6. STILL showing Litvinenko with a masked colleague at a press conference 7. Closeup SAME STILL showing only Litvinenko April 20, 1998, undisclosed location outside of Moscow AP Television News - AP Clients Only 8. SOUNDBITE (RUSSIAN) Alexander Litvinenko, Former State Security Officer “For me it was like an order, because first came one assignment, then another, and then: you should be ready to kill (Boris) Berezovsky. If I were prepared... He (Litvinenko’s FSB boss, Alexander Kamyshnikov) was sitting at his desk, then he stood up and said: ’You should kill Berezovsky!’ First he asked ’are you ready’ and then ’you should kill.’ That was in the presence of three other officers.“ Moscow - March 21, 2007 AP Television News - AP Clients Only 9. SOUNDBITE (RUSSIAN) Sergei Dorenko, Journalist “Frankly speaking, I was scared to investigate those cases. They (officers) refused to speak further, and I had no other sources. Other sources also refused to provide information. As a journalist I didn’t continue the investigation also because I feared for their fate.“ April 20, 1998, undisclosed location outside of Moscow AP Television News 10. SOUNDBITE (RUSSIAN) Alexander Gusak, Former State Security Officer “When the question was raised that in the event of unpredictable developments we will have to kill people, including (police) officers, we, naturally, could not agree to that. For several reasons - purely moral principles. So as not be accused of not fulfilling orders, we dragged on and on with the operation and in the end brought it to a halt. We acquired information that (Umar) Dzhabrailov can be killed by another man, Paul Tatum’s brother who is a former FBI employee.“ AP PHOTOS - No Access Canada/Internet 12. STILL of the coffin with Tatum’s body AP Television News AP Television News Find out more about AP Archive: Twitter: Facebook: ​​ Instagram: You can license this story through AP Archive:
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