Zionism and Ukraine

Ukraine: The Zionist Connection Images from the war in Ukraine have dominated the headlines over the last few weeks. But the Jewish identity of Ukraine’s President Zelensky, has been used by many in the West, to cover NATO’s manifest alliance with Neo-Nazi battalions in the war against Russia. But it’s not just NATO that’s working with these Neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine. Israel is arming, and its military personnel are even fighting alongside explicitly Neo-Nazi units The Zionist regime has supplied arms to the Ukraine military including the Nazi Azov battalion which traces its antecedents to Nazi collaborators in the 1939-45 war. Azov Battalion members have been photographed toting Tavor rifles built by Israeli Military Industries a subsidiary of Elbit Systems. In February 2016 it was revealed that Elbit Systems would be part of a group investing in Ukraine’s defense establishment. Haaretz newspaper revealed in 2018 that A Ukrainian military training school website indicates that training there is provided
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