I Waited 15 Years For These New Array Methods

JavaScript has lots of array methods for doing things like sorting and reversing arrays, but the biggest problem with all these methods is they mutate the array you are working with. This is a huge problem when you are trying to write React code, functional code, or pure functions. This is why I love the new array methods that add immutable versions of all the mutable array methods we are used to. ๐ŸŒŽ Find Me Here: My Blog: My Courses: Patreon: Twitter: Discord: GitHub: CodePen: โฑ๏ธ Timestamps: 00:00 - Introduction 00:36 - Immutability Explanation 02:45 - with Method 03:50 - toSorted Method 05:31 - toReveresed Method 06:00 - toSpliced Method 07:15 - Browser Support #JSArrayMethods #WDS #Immutability
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