Radio Queen — A Kind of Magic (LIVE 2021)

“A Kind of Magic“ performed by RADIO QUEEN Official Tribute Show. Live in Yekaterinburg, . Vlad Chainikov — leading vocal Vladimir Anikin — guitar, backing vocal Mikhail Bersenev — piano, backing vocal Alexey Kin — bass Kirill Kaverin — drums Anna Rogozina — backing vocal Yulia Danilova — backing vocal “All Stars“ Orchestra, conductor Ilya Koptev Video production: Снято нами Montage: Ivan Gogolin Color: Petr Koshkin Produced by ERM Production Center Official website: VK: Instagram: @radioqueenband “A Kind of Magic“ is the title track of the 1986 album of the same name by the British band Queen. #FreddieMercury #Queen #Queentribute #tributeshow #radioqueenband #rockmusic #live #Queencover #akindofmagic
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