Body Count - The Hate Is Real

This is our submission for Body Count’s “The Hate Is Real“ music video contest. This song spoke to us in volumes and we wanted to share a story of America’s dark past of discrimination and racism. Congratulations to Body Count on their Grammy win! Thank you for watching! alisadaglio@ Special thanks to all of the talented actors and crew who made this possible! Kevin Angel Alfred Chow, Julián Oyanedel Santiesteban, Armen Jesralyan, Paul Simon, Mike-Mike Meezy, James Killbrew, Anne Schade, Sarah Kruger, Lord G, Jordyn Torres, John Walker, Jataun Gilbert, Brandon Gilbert, Evan Richards, Paul Simon, Richard Wanjohi, Greg Lewis, Bryan Chandler, Edgar Mota, Ian Lasky, Jyn Gittens, Natalie Luna, Armant Britton, Gabriel Womak, Ben Collotta, Stella Ademiluyi, Koji Kawahara, Amery Thao, Derrick Tuggle, Gregory Glass, Derrick Tuggle, Amanda Dill, Valerie Addas, Noelle Louie, J.C. Nogalez, Umar Kahan, Zain Shami, Mahrael Boutros, Marisol Alamillo, Nisha Washington, Anthony Mayfield, Ayden Montano, Lindse
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