Coloring lotus flower with watercolor.

Here are some general recommendations on how to paint with watercolor: 1. Use high-quality watercolor paints and paper. Paper made specifically for watercolor techniques will allow the paint and water to spread more evenly and prevent the paper from buckling or tearing. 2. Get familiar with the properties of watercolor paint. Watercolor is a watery, transparent medium, so it’s important to understand how to control the consistency of your paint and the amount of water you’re using. 3. Experiment with different brush sizes and shapes. Brushes play a huge role in watercolor painting, so it’s important to have a variety of sizes and shapes to achieve different effects. 4. Plan out your painting before you start. Sketch out your composition and decide on your color palette before you begin applying paint. 5. Start with lighter washes and build up slowly. Watercolor is a layering process, so start with lighter washes of color and gradually build up the intensity of your colors. 6. Work from light to dark. To achieve depth and dimension, work from lighter to darker colors and tones. 7. Be patient and allow enough time for each layer to dry before applying the next. This will prevent colors from bleeding into each other and ensure that each layer remains crisp and distinct. 8. Embrace the fluidity of watercolor. Watercolor is a highly fluid medium, so embrace its unpredictability and allow the paint and water to flow and blend naturally. 9. Practice regularly and experiment with different techniques. Watercolor is a versatile medium, so practice regularly and experiment with different techniques to find what works best for you. Overall, watercolor is a fun and rewarding medium that can produce stunning results with practice and experimentation.
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