Special - Rugby - Wales V Springboks Aka Springboks Beat Wales (1951)
(Special For Wales) Cardiff Arms Park, Cardiff, Wales.
SV Teams taking field. SV Crowd. LV Wales kick off left to right - Wales have black numbers on a White square. SV Crowd. LV South Africa attack. General scramble on goal line. SV South Africa attack, players fall in heap.
SV Crowd. STV Welsh line out, Ken Jones No. 2 throws in, ball loose to J. K. Ochse, he disappears under a pile of players, ball still loose E. Roy John No. 12 kicks up field, Welsh attack stopped just short of line. Welsh steamroller towards South African line but are held.
Scrum, J. Buchler releaves by finding touch. SV Crowd. LV Springboks first try, M. T. Lategan (South Africa & Western Province) running with ball passes to Ochse, he runs past Ken Jones and Williams. Ochse touches down.
SV Second Half - Ambulance men attending to spectator. LV Welsh attack, ball to L. Jones. He dashes for line, handing off Springbok, he is charged over. SV Crowd.
SV Welsh grab Springboks attack they kick up field and attack again. S
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