Sri Chinmoy Art Exhibit and Writings at UN Ocean Conferenсe 2022, Portugal

The United Nations Ocean Conference in Matosinhos, Portugal is one of the special side events held for key constituencies, and in this case for local and regional authorities, which is connected to the main UN Ocean conference in Lisbon. It was held from June 27th to July 1st, 2022. On June 25th, a special exhibit of artwork and writings by Sri Chinmoy was displayed. The project was inspired by Ms. Ranjana Ghose of the Sri Chinmoy Centre. In 1970, Sri Chinmoy was invited by then Secretary-General U Thant to hold peace meditations at the UN headquarters in New York, for ambassadors, delegates and staff. He offered these meditations, as well as other free cultural programmes, exhibits and concerts in support of peace, twice-weekly, for over 35 years, until his passing in 2007. Respected by members of the international diplomatic community, he often shared inspiration with dignitaries and seekers, responding to their concerns and questions, including the environmental crisis, offering his perspec
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