“Mad Fallen Leaf“ - Andrea Vercesi feat. Ian Anderson
Acoustic version - Original version on “Mad Fallen Leaf“ cd ©2009 SBM.
Music & Lyrics: Andrea Vercesi
Voice & Guitar: Andrea Vercesi
Flute: Ian Anderson
Backing Vocals: Susanna Lecce
Recorded on December 2020 by Andrea Vercesi & Ian Anderson
Mixed by Andrea Vercesi & Susanna Lecce
Video Editing by Susanna Lecce & Andrea Vercesi
“I’m leading alone this heavy gait
on a thin suspended rope,
I’m leading alone a hard useless life
that makes me tremble
and hurls me down.
In a painful hurting fall
to which I ca
...n’t react at all
from day to day losing my strenght
of fighting against
bad thoughts and fears.
From day to day away from this heart
which throbs ever faster
scared by own weakness.
Scared by myself, scared by the others
scared by my mind and by my hurting arms,
feeling the weather like a beautiful willow
bended by a sudden wind
blowing in spring.
Oh, bending, not breaking,
keeping on dreaming
in a sort of enchantment
in which I keep living,
I want to fly high
and get close to my wishes.
Touch them with hands
vibrating with life
I’m flying in the wind
like a Mad Fallen Leaf
Then slowly I land and find
some rest on a flower.
It was blooming, then grew
and now it’s starting to fade.“
Questo nuova versione è dedicata a tutte le persone che soffrono di depressione e di attacchi di panico.
In questo tempo di COVID-19 è importante continuare a sognare e non perdere la fede. La depressioni e gli attacchi di panico stanno crescendo tra la gente giorno per giorno ed è essenziale sensibilizzare tutti sull’argomento.
Non vergognatevi e condividete le vostre debolezze, non siete soli!
Grazie mille a Ian Anderson per la sua disponibilità e per la sua sensibilità.
This new version is dedicated to all the people that are suffering of depression and panic attacks.
In this COVID-19 time it’s important to keep on dreaming and never lose faith. Depression and panic attacks are growing among people day by day and it’s essential to raise everyone’s awareness about this topics.
Don’t be ashamed and share your weaknesses, you’re not alone!
Thanks a lot to Ian Anderson for his availability and for his sensitivity.
- Andrea VercesiShow more