Selected Originals - Midget Submarine To Cross Atlantic (1950)
Selected originals (offcuts, selected scenes, out-takes, rushes) for story “Midget Submarine To Cross Atlantic“ 50/44.
Material for Newsreel Story - extra shots.
Plymouth, Devon.
MS Elevated crew boarding two midget XE submarines. MS Elevated. ratings descending into sub. MS Officer casting off. MS Three officers standing on deck. MS Two officers standing on submarine saluting pan to pennant. MS Two officers standing on deck as sub. moves over surface of water. MS Back view officers standing on deck. MS Captain of the sub. calling instructions down to under-service crew through voice tube. MS The two officers on deck receiving cups of tea up the hatch from below. CU They hand empty cups back. MS Nose of sub. cutting through water. MS Submarine going along. LS One officer rolls up pennant and goes below with it. LS Sub. going along showing Captain using combine snort and speaking tube. CU Nose of sub. cutting through water. LS Submarine diving. Snort and periscope seen above water. MS Sub. half subme